Multi-Fastener Seat Tool
Our customer came to us needing one tool that could run multiple operations with various-sized fasteners. We designed a multiple head attachment that empowered them to do it all – with just one tool.

The Challenge
- Seat installation
- Torque fasteners to spec (65NM)
- Save money by using one fixtured tool to run multiple fastening attachments
- Save time by using the same fixture for multiple operations on varying sized fasteners (12mm & 14mm)

- Multiple head attachment
- Allows fastening of multiple, varied fasteners
- Designed to perform the required operations using a pivoting fixture
- Allows for cost-saving by employing the same tool for multiple operations
- Saves time by performing multiple operations with the same fixture
- Reduces cycle times by eliminating the need to change sockets
- Provides error proofing of the customer application.